Is there an ideal age for sleep training

Is there an ideal age for sleep training? If you’re wondering about this, then keep reading.

Ideally, the best time for formal sleep training is between 4-6 months. There is the sweet spot, if you will, for sleep training and that is during this timeframe.

But why?

Simply put, babies' habits are not yet too hardwired or engrained in their brain and are easier to mold and undo. They are also often less resistant to the changes being made at this age because they are not as aware as older babies are, which means more cooperation for you. Developmentally they are also ready for longer stretches of sleep. There is a good reason why they call this the ‘sweet spot’ for sleep training.

They’re also fresh out of the newborn stage and developmentally ready for better, longer, deeper sleep (many babies are ready even sooner, closer to 3 months old but most people start formal sleep training at around 4-6 months).

What are the benefits of sleep training between 4-6 months?

There are a few benefits, actually, which I have listed below.

The biggest benefit for me by far is that babies that young are so much more moldable and they’re so much more cooperative than older babies.

Some other benefits are:

  • They usually catch on pretty quickly.

  • The process goes a lot quicker and smoother so long as their needs are met and parents are being consistent.

  • Their habits are not too hardwired and easier to reshape.

  • Mom, dad and baby have better sleep from early on.

  • The benefits are long-lasting.

  • The earlier they sleep train, the more predictable their overall schedule is.

That being said, yes, while it generally goes quicker at this age, obviously like any baby at any age, the process can be hindered if you aren’t being consistent with your plan or if your baby doesn’t have her needs met, so make sure you have a clear plan and that all baby’s needs are met prior to starting sleep training to ensure the smoothest process possible.

Does this mean I can’t sleep train a baby older than 4-6 months?

Absolutely not! Many parents aren’t ready to sleep train their babies at this time for whatever reason and it’s ok. And on the flip side, maybe your baby isn’t quite ready at this time and that’s also ok. You haven’t missed the boat. Making the decision of when to start seep training is a personal preference and has to be when you are ready for it. You can successfully sleep train a baby older than 4-6 months, whether you have a one year old, a toddler or a 5 year old. Granted, you may have much more resistance with older children, but so long as you have a clear, concise plan and you are consistent, you will be just as successful.

So worry not, if you are reading this while rocking your 15 month old baby to sleep, don’t worry, you can teach him to sleep just as well as our infants.

What age did you sleep train your baby?

If you have questions and concerns about your child’s sleep, feel free to send me a message or book a free discovery call so that I can answer all of your questions.


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